text messages

"sweetie-pie, apple of my eye
you didn't call up and i wonder why"

"forgot to call when i stepped out for a smoke
please don't mind and forgive this bloke"

"smoking-pie, you gonna die
smoke kills, and that's why"

* One Single Impression prompt 57: smoke


SandyCarlson said...

I think I could skip rope to this! So it goes in love.

Tumblewords: said...

I love this - the rhythm, the message and the overall style of it all...

Amias (ljm and liquidplastic) said...

I hope they get the message .. good text!

Raven said...

Good message. Very cleverly done.

ladygarfield said...

Sandy, you made me grin from ear to ear. thanks for your kind words.

Thankyou Sue. I am glad i have your approval.

Thanks Amias. Sad that too many people get knowingly addicted to life-threatening habits. It gets harder when they are the people you love.

Raven, thankyou very much. Glad to have you over. Welcome!

Maggie said...

It is cute, funny and deadly.
You certainly nailed Smoke.

ladygarfield said...

thankyou Maggie! your nice comments made my day.

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