a father and his gifts

far below the surface of the sea
fathoms away from the sun's harsh glare
the old pearl-diver hides his oysters
ocassionally checking on how they fare

seaweed and barnacles are a real threat
to his big dreams for his little girls
in a few months, if his toils go well
they'll delight in the lustre of wondrous pearls!

* Three Word Wednesday prompts: lustre, glare, threat


anthonynorth said...

Great words for a thrilling pursuit.

Anya Padyam said...

That was beautiful - the excitement and adventure of the pearls!

Thom Gabrukiewicz said...

An interesting use of the words to push this story along. It is a thrilling pursuit for a father to provide for his children. I liked this very much.

Sepiru Chris said...

Dangerous work for Dad when he obviously doesn't lack disposable income (he doesn't convert the pearls to cash...).

I enjoyed this tale very much. Well played and well told. Thank you.

gautami tripathy said...

Like how a father wishes the best for his children..

it was not a dream, certainly not a memory

Americanising Desi said...

a very shaking piece of writing!

The Glare of Threat

Lucy said...

once again it amazes me ..the different aspects everyone sees in the prompts!
Luster of pearls! why didn't I think of that!

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

I love how you told such a straightforward little story with your poem. The prompt words just blend right in, unnoticed.

Stan Ski said...

A very worthy cause...

Sherri B. said...

This read like a fairy tale...loved it!

Andy Sewina said...

Yeah, great take on the prompt, a refreshing read!


maglomaniac said...

And delight he will.
Good one.

I am sorry my baby


Asleep On My Feet said...

I love how different these always are... One spring board, so many landing zones.
This feels very adventurous to me... what a lovely secret, a pearl garden!

PJD said...

pleasant and charming! I like the rhyme scheme and meter.

Tumblewords: said...

Indeed - the promise of perfect! Love it!

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