sg diary: p5, day one part two

a quick nap and it was already 4pm. the hosts and i took a bus to the nearest mrt station, and then the mrt to the esplanade. it's a huge mall by the waterfront, with free music concerts on. the chinese new year was around the corner and all malls in singapore were decked up beautifully and many concerts were on in public places. each of these free shows are complete with sound system and lights and seating!

the folks at the esplanade sang very well and it was a great entertainment.. close to the esplanade is also where the world's large floating stage is:

pic: courtesy google images

we then walked over to see the see the mini-merlion...  and to take pictures and watch the sun set over the beautiful skyline.. and picked an ice-cream-sandwich on the way... by 8pm, there was going to be a light-and-water laser show at marina bay sands. it's about 2 kms from the esplanade and mini-merlion... singapore caters to the pedestrians in a nice big way, it's a walkers'/joggers' paradise. the light-and-water show was spectacular! the  show repeats at 11pm and goes on for more than 10 mins.

soon after the show, an orchestra put up an amazing performance. it was not a part of the laser show... behind the seating area for the laser whow, is  another enormous, beautifully lit mall. checking out the malls is enough to tire the daylights out of you!

another long walk through a beautifully painted underground walkway took us to clarke quay. we passed by children flying their beautifully-lit remote-controlled aircrafts...

and more snack counters and lots of drinking holes. clarke quay(pronounced 'key') is where the reverse-bungee and extreme swings are, and a venice-like waterway cuts through. clarke quay and boat quay look like old-time singapore with nicely laid-out cobbled paths.

on the way, we stood watching the man at the turkish ice-cream shop.. that charged SGD5 for a single scoop of plain-looking ice-cream in a cone. the guy looked more like a smiling clown and played people when  handing over the cone.. he'd drop the cone right through their clasping/grasping hands in many different ways and frustrate the hell out of them, while the crowded guffawed. quite a performance!

hopped into the MRT to the nearest stop home, then into a bus and home around 11pm totally exhausted.. and totally happy!

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