Memories - the December chapter

Dec 1: this is a memory of ms.lily.. who in a moment of pure admiration.. said to me "is there something you are not good at!"

Dec 2: fun memory from Chennai where i went to work for 6 months during my first year at work... my roommates and i would frequently got lost on our way back home over our weekend outings.. and used the different stenches of various open drains to figure out where we were.. we never stopped laughing about it!

Dec 3: a happy, heart-warming memory from many years ago when i worked at itpl... deivanai, ramya and i used to eat our packed lunches at the office cafeteria.. then go down to get a softie(cone ice-cream).. walk around a bit and get back to work. 

Dec 4: another fun memory from work.. many years ago, 'rakhi ka swayamwar' used to be a popular soap to watch.. and it made for hilarious conversations over lunch.. with guys!

Dec 5: this is a fun memory.. something i never stop laughing about.. the bus conductor talking to me in kannada on bad hair days and in hindi when i turned out smartly 

Dec 6: one day i sat in the first seat of the bus with a full view of the road, thanks to its huge front window.. at a very narrow lane, a young biker and the bus very slowly and deliberately crossed each other with the helmet-wearing biker and i absent-mindedly locking eyes for a very long time as he passe by.. so many times i have wondered about who the guy was.. and if thought of me as frequently as i thought of him.. stuff of movie plots!

Dec 7: 

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