N is for 'not a good idea -


MaR said...

Fantastic shot!! no, not a good idea at all...smoking is dangerous to your health!!! ::wink::

N is for numismatic!

photowannabe said...

Terrific shot and you are so right. Smoking isn't good.

Sylvia K said...

Oh, I love it!! Marvelous capture! Smoking is definitely dangerous particularly in his position! Fun post for the day! Hope you have a great week!


Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Great shot! There seems to be a lot of trust there in that fabulous photo.

Unknown said...

Get out of here! A worker at the zoo was smoking? I never minded if people smoked around Kaishon. I could always take that as an opportunity to tell him how dangerous it is for people to smoke! I hope your outing was fun except for that!

Roger Owen Green said...

Bad idea AND bad form. Good shot, though.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Wanda said...

This is just too clever!

Jama said...

No Smoking, period!

Jayne said...

What a great shot. Is Mum elephant about to come over and have a quiet word with him do you think?! :D

Anonymous said...

Good Shot!!! Wondering where is papa pachyderm , I hope not near a bar

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