O is for an orange flower

an orange cosmos
for ABC wednesday


Suburban Girl said...

Very pretty, love how it stands out against the green background.

O for Onoko Run

Sylvia K said...

What a lovely flower! Love the rich orange color and it is indeed beautiful against the green! Great shot for the O day! Have a wonderful day!


Kim, USA said...

It's very pretty!! Love it! Happy weekend!

ABC Wednesday~O

Roger Owen Green said...

Yes, but what IS that flower?

ROGER, ABC Wednesday team

LisaF said...

The color is so vibrant! It looks like I could reach out and pick it...except for the bee!

Carol said...

Beautiful! And you captured the bee also...

Lesley said...

Beautiful photo! It looks to me like an orange cosmo.

Unknown said...

gr8 photo

Tumblewords: said...

What a stunning photo! The color si gorgeous!

Jay said...

A beautiful clear orange, too! And so sharp!

Anonymous said...

Excellent Pic, nice contrast, very good!!!

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