by day by night
i love your handsome face by the day
just thinking of you makes me smile my smile
i'd banish my nighmares if i could have my way
for the dreaded monster has your panache and style
oh! and he has your handsome, loving face
and my neck firmly in his bony grasp
it begins to snap as he pacifying says
'won't you wake up now, my dear asp'
for threeWordWednesday prompts: dread, grasp, pacify
just thinking of you makes me smile my smile
i'd banish my nighmares if i could have my way
for the dreaded monster has your panache and style
oh! and he has your handsome, loving face
and my neck firmly in his bony grasp
it begins to snap as he pacifying says
'won't you wake up now, my dear asp'
for threeWordWednesday prompts: dread, grasp, pacify
creepy, in a really cool kind of way. Welcome back.
Oh my. What a good uncomfortable read!
- Dina
Who is the unlucky guy :P
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