
I was struggling with the keys and I heard the door being unlocked from the inside … and that meant only one thing…. HD was already home! I couldn’t believe it… I was so happy to see him standing there smiling down at me... and I flew into his arms… HD felt warm and good... and smelled great… it's one of the things I absolutely love about HD - the way he smells good at all times... and while I locked the door, HD asked me about my day... that was all the push I needed to start whining about every little crap I had endured through the day… how I had put up with lousy people all around me at my workplace… and how most of the office work always found its way to my desk… how so and so disagreed with my ideas.. and how my neighbour’s constant banter on phone irritated the hell out of me.. how the office food tasted like rubber… so on and so forth… it lasted almost half an hour, my grievances.. HD never tires of hearing me out…. And he’s always so amused at my tirade… like he was today… and he gently suggested “surely something good must have happened too”… that got me thinking… Ahh.. now I remember.. how a certain mr.X had said he liked the dress I was wearing… and thought I had a good eye for clothes.. and how a newbie in my team had thanked me profusely for helping out with the software installations she needed to get started… “thanks GL... for all your time and patience” and I had felt good about it…. and in the cafeteria, someone I didn’t know had waved and smiled at me.. I was quite pleased at these recollections and was grateful to HD for making me look at the brighter things in life.. HD always has this effect on me…

HD and I have come a long way... five years ago, when I moved into this city at the start of my career, I worked with a big team, made great friends and had a great time… after two years, when the project closed the bunch I worked with started thinning out.. some moved to other projects.. some quit jobs to pursue academics… some left the organization and gradually lost touch… by the end of my third year, I had begun to feel lonely… the magic was lost… I found no solace in people, be it friends, or colleagues, or my flat mates… and I distanced myself from whoever was left behind… all I saw was the futility of giving so much of myself – time, energy, care and affection - to others … only to find them missing when I needed them the most... Distracted by loneliness, my work took a beating… and then, I met HD.
In HD, I found an ideal companion... HD was everything I wanted in a mate… he was smart, quick witted and hard-working… he was the most well-informed person around… his intelligence was difficult to miss…. his enthusiasm was contagious and he had a way with words… and most of all, HD and I were in total agreement over matters good and bad… HD always said and did things that I meant to say and do... HD helped me to collect myself together… he helped me make friends again… he helped me get over my temper and to see good in every person I came across… he helped me through just about everything and stood by me through my bad times... having him around felt good… and life was beautiful again…

Today was no different… HD was once again making me feel good about myself… as we sat talking, HD noticed how tired I was and insisted I get to bed right away… I was just home after a gruelling 18 hours at work… he asked me if I was hungry… I shook my head… it would be too much of a bother to cook at this hour… all I was looking forward to was to stretch out in bed… and be lost to the world.. I was too tired to even change into my bedclothes… HD read my mind… “don't bother about the clothes.. just get into bed”… I had to brush my teeth too, a ritual I hated missing… HD was at my elbow, helping me into bed… “ohh wait.. I haven’t brushed yet” I protested half-heartedly… “it’s going to be morning soon... besides, you need every minute of your rest… you wouldn’t want to miss your morning bus to work, now would you?” .. “no, I wouldn’t want to miss it… but what has that got to do with …” HD was walking towards the wall at the far end to put off the bedroom lights… and I closed my eyes ….

The next morning made me mad… at myself. The key was still in the door.. the lights had been burning the whole night… the previous day’s make-up still clung to my face… the way my previous day’s workclothes clung to my frame... cramps in my tummy reminded me of having skipped dinner last night… and my bad breath made me madder… HD stood in a corner and smiled encouragingly at me… I saw red. “Goddamn you!” I swore loudly at this imaginary man I live with.


alok said...

Hei, this is well crafted story. Some time we do see things happening around us only to put more thoughts to our imagination ...

good going !!

Ajit Menon said...

Hey ! I like your imagination !



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