2024 one-liner yearly journal

Jan 1: Mom, sister-in-law, papya and kummu called at 12am to wish us for the New Year. Papya yawned and yawned.. and looked cuter with each yawn... he's such a happy child!

Met Padmalatha didi for dinner at Meenakshi Mall. Walked her to her daughter's hostel and visited the Meenakshi Sundareshwarar temple right beside, during the closing hour. Got two really pretty garlands from the temple and put them up at the main door and kitchen doors. 

Jan 2: Venkateswara temple and Ayappa swamy temple folks came home to give us the Ram Mandir photo, akshat and printed instructions on things to do on Jan 22nd. It was amazing! The year's turning out to be quite a blessing.

Jan 3rd: Ate out with Bobo - a fun aloo biriyani. Getting the purple saree pico'd at the edges.

Jan 4th: a regular day... all by myself. got the clothes sorted for the upcoming wedding. watched the new episode of Reacher.

Jan 5th: watched another episode of Reacher and lazed around all day. 

Jan 6th: an aunt, the eldest of three sisters, passed away at the wee hours today. having lost her son and daughter-in-law, she's survived by her grand-daughter vidya. pretty depressing.

Jan 7th: went on our regular weekend long-ride on the bike. bought lots of fruits .. bobo and i were both delighted over it.

Jan 8th: ate out again.. upma with avarekalu in it and strawberry-flavoured kesari bath.. bobo worked from home.. it was a good, peaceful day 

Jan 9th: bought a new dress for myself.. a lehenga for juee.. a kurta for bobo to wear at the wedding.. and a bunch of decorative stuff 

Jan 10th: did nothing the whole day long

Jan 11th: altered a bunch of clothes... and tried on some makeup

Jan 12th - packed and packed and packed. regretted not packing earlier.. had a bunch of clothes to stitch and alter too. got them all done nicely. spoke to seema after a really long break

Jan 13th - Saturday..we picked some sweets to take along.. i finished altering bobo's new kurta with one hour to spare before boarding the bus.. thankfully it turned out very well 

Jan 14th -  Sunday.. we reached bobo's place around 10am... met everyone.. freshened up and hung around talking.. quite a day

Jan 15th - Monday.. we both took a cab to juee's place.. bobo worked from home while juee and i got mehandi done by one of her friends... i asked for a kalash on my right hand and the mehandi girl got it so right.. it looked beautiful

Jan 16th - Tuesday.. bobo and I went to see the Vitthal Rukmani temple at Vitthalwadi.. it's a temple from the 18th century.. and an important stop for the Wari pilgrims. the temple had a pretty glasswork roof.. i was able to do my meditation there. hope this counts towards progressing in my spiritual path.

Jan 17th - wedding day.. it was really nice...bobo looked awesome!

Jan 18th - satyanarayan pooja day.. the poojari did a great job with bhajans.. he brought his own tasha along. and it was so much fun singing and clapping alongside him. one of the best bhajans till date

Jan 19th - family trip to Jejuri Marthand temple.. the temple was beautiful.. the family folks were fun.. ate a new dish - misal pav.. the trip ended early and well

Jan 20th - caught the 5pm bus back to our sweet home town

Jan 21st - got home around 10am... the plants were doing well despite the week-long neglect and got watered the first thing. all's well in my world.

Jan 22nd - the most magnificient day in the history of India... today was the pran pratisthapana of Ayodhya Dham's Sri Rama Mandir... watched it live and cried and cried. the entire ceremony was beyond beautiful.. udupi pejawar matha swamiji played such a central role in the entire proceeding. it was amazing! 

Jan 23rd - a lazy day.. did nothing much

Jan 24th and 25th - forgot to write.

Jan 26th - another lovely day. watched the republic day parade with bobo in the morning - a very pleasant experience. visited the sivapremananda srividya centre later in the afternoon to meditate. sridevi khadgamala stotra played on the speakers - something i really really wanted... filled my heart with joy. sandhya showed up too.

Jan 27th - saturday today.. went on a longish ride with bobo hunting for a new place to eat and ended up eating at the same old haunt near e-city. found the long lemon - gondhoraj lemon - at a supermarket we went to check, rs.15 a piece. fun day.

Jan 28th - sunday.. bobo's running a fever.. a cough.. and a runny nose.. the guy hasn't gotten a break for a few weeks now

Jan 29th - FIL's not keeping well.. he's not able to use his right hand and needs support walking around. bobo and i were worried hearing this. 

Jan 30th - papya and his mom went to papya's maternal grandma's town to welcome papya's newborn cousin sister. mom's feeling empty-nested though grateful for everything.

Jan 31st - bobo came home with tons of snacks from work - a variety of vada, rava holige and badam milk. we had fun eating them together.

Feb 1st - our wedding annniversary.. and FIL's birthday as well.. sadly, he had to get admitted to the hospital today due to ill-health and elevated creatinine levels. everyone's quite worried. later.. upon asking, bobo told me he thinks he made the right decision marrying me. that was fun - getting it out of him so easily.

Feb 2nd - FIL's recovered to a large extend... such a relief! 

Feb 3rd - took a bus to Pune today.. FIL wasn't really well and we were needed to help out. taking the bus at such a short interval was such a bother. really needed a break from long bus travels.

Feb 4th - arrived at Pune, spent the day at the hospital attending to FIL. the hospital looks comfortable.  

Feb 5th - stayed another day at the hospital. everyone speaks marathi here.. the tiny eateries around are fun to explore. 

Feb 6th - brought FIL home from the hospital.. took a nasty fall down the hospital stairs. right bum's swollen and the tail bone hurts.

Feb 7th - spent the best part of the day showing the care-taker around with both of us talking to each other in different languages and getting things done nevertheless... 

Feb 8th - late in the afternoon, visited the much dreamed-of Trishund Ganapati temple(accompanied by an old lady).. it was beautiful.. and the Kasbapeth Ganapati temple.. and Dagdusheth Ganapati temple.. and Jogeshwari temple.. having a bad cold.. throat hurts and the bum still hurts.. i am sitting and lying down lop-sided. it's weirdly funny.

Feb 9th - runny nose.. sore throat.. painful bum.. looking forward to tomorrow's trip back home.. a few days of regular sleep should put the cheer back in me. 

Feb 10th - felt crappy - tired and washed out - the entire morning.. the post-lunch brufen brought some life back.. the one at tea-time definitely helped. bus arrived really really late

Feb 11th - reached home at noon. bum hurts the way it hurt on day 1.. got enough rest though. 

Feb 12th - found a large discolouration on my right bum.. otherwise feeling quite cheerful... and delighted to be back home.

Feb 13th - Seema and Sharada di called.. the latter told me she's guaranteed a cheerful response each time she calls.

Feb 14th - a nightmare woke me up around 6:30am.. too scared to go back to bed, i started my day early. ended up having loads of energy and a positive mood. it's basant panchami today!

Feb 15th - a temple in TN who's restoration i contributed to  earlier this year, turned operational today.. so yayyy!

Feb 16th - had a lovely day with bobo.

Feb 17th - attended the free workshop on sri devi khadgamala stotra sadhana.. sandhya, sharada di and manjula(sandhya's friend) were there.. the lunch was amazing! the day was too.. 

Feb 18th: had a lovely day with bobo.

Feb 19th: today's the anniversary of the day i started my work life - a day my parent's never fail to celebrate. it's a great feeling when they do.

Feb 20th: started with the sri devi khadgamala sadhana. 

Feb 21st: another lovely day. doing absolutely nothing at home.

Feb 22nd: first-month anniversary of sri ram janmabhoomi temple inaguaration. also, guru-pushya nakshatra. started with sri vidya level 5 sadhana and lalita trishati recitation.

Feb 23rd: went out on the two wheeler to get dinner and the back is hurting all over again. lovely day though.

Feb 24th: cleaned up the place a bit with bobo. read about the impending water problems in bengaluru. worried. hope it rains soon.

Feb 25th: lazy day at home. because of my back, we aren't going out on the bike for a while. 

Feb 26th: found a tv series on travel to japan.. the host is quite funny. bobo's looking dapper with his new hair cut

Feb 27th: watched transformers:rise of the beasts.. not fun. sandhya called and we had a great time talking. 

Feb 28th: called up skillslash and requested to add me to the weekend batch so i could start all over again. 

Feb 29th: bobo brought home two palm-size chocolate cookies from subway.. he'd been to lunch there earlier in the day. we had a great time eating those cookies.. and they were tasty too.

Mar 1st: bomb-blast at cafe rameshwaram near itpl around lunch hour.. bobo passes by this place on his commute... terrible news

Mar 2nd: got the HSRP plates fixed for the bike. got the new water filter fixed. attended half the python class. productive day!

Mar 3rd: attended the python classes today too. the quiz at the end of the class was fun. fell sick late in the evening.

Mar 4th: terribly sick.. a low-grade fever.. itchy throat.. hurting knees.. bitter taste in my mouth.. and feeling very weak. bobo took care of me while also working all day. 

Mar 5th: feeling so much better today. the tail bone's stopped hurting too... thank god for that! the right bum hurts though. seema texted and sharada di called. had fun talking to them.

Mar 6th: it's the cute nephew's birthday today... feels like just yesterday i went to his naming ceremony.. time does fly! registered successfully for the car's hsrp plates

next up.. khata.. voter id.. ppf.. basically an endless list of things to get done

Mar 7th: still grappling with low-grade fever that comes and goes. the tail bone hurts too.

Mar 8th: Shivaratri today! attending the group meditation at the SSRC centre in the evening and had a great time

Mar 9th: had a lazy day at home with bobo. we cleaned up the place a bit

Mar 10th: went on a ride with bobo who got overly-excited at the pineapple pieces we bought with way too much of spicy topping. it was fun eating it. 

Mar 11th: started meditating with a deliberate intention.. after learning about it at the group meditation. first stage of granthi bedhana is "sincerity" in practicing what i have learnt... hoping to do it for 60 days straight

Mar 12th: water-shortage today... rushed to store a lot of water. MIL reached out and we had a good chat. feeling happy about it.

Mar 13th: water shortage today too.. bought two new buckets. saddened by having to use stored water when the overhead water tank went dry

Mar 14th: mum called asking me to get bhabhi a phone. feeling happy and privileged that they call me for such things.

Mar 15th: need to get the PPF extension done. figured that i will have to go to indiranagar for that. 

Mar 16th: the python class was great fun. 

Mar 17th: water melon day.. great fun. ordered a phone for kummu, hoping he'll pass on his old one to bhabhi

Mar 18th: woke up to no pain in my tail bone. a happy day. got bobo's jeans altered and he's prancing around like a happy goat.

Mar 19th: ate at the new patrode cafe with bobo.. they did not have patrode anymore, as the leaves were not available in the market.. duhhhh. but the rs.10 coffee was great!

Mar 20th: down and tired. ECI sent me someone else's voter id card.

Mar 21st: seema called about the lodha apartment they were looking at, to buy.  

Mar 22nd: went out ot eat with bobo. then went to patrode to get a coffee. had a good time. bobo can be quite fun.

Mar 23rd: the guy who's EC card i got in mail turned up to say he had mine. we exchaged our cards. absolutely thrilled to receive my EC card. can't wait to vote. bobo's card's still pending. 

Mar 24th: video call with papya, mom and bhabhi. the video and voice on the new mobile was quite clear. holige and kattina saaru for dinner today - all bobo's efforts. 

Mar 25th: seema called, they have booked the apartment. quite excited for her. hope i get one nice call every single day.

Mar 26th: a regular happy day today... 

Mar 27th: visited bobo's tailor to get a trouser stitched for him, for his april visit to pondicherry on a recruitment drive. the tailor kept assuring bobo, i have a feeling he won't meet the deadline.

Mar 28th: found bobo's old voter id and figured he's successfully registered with our new addresss. we were both very happy 

Mar 29th: Seema called.. she was looking for a place to throw a lunch party for her neighbours, in a bid to bond with them and be a part of their regular meetings. 

Mar 30th: ate lunch at i-siri and picked a yellow watermelon at the reliance outlet. having never seen it before, bobo and i got quite excited about it. cooled it a bit in the fridge and had a field day eating it. it was quite nice - crisp and sweet

Mar 31st: lazed around all day.. watching ipl sprawled out on the floor under the fan.. with bobo's mobile on the tripod stand. it's quite hot.

Apr 1st: woke up laughing because i was laughing in a funny dream i was having - that was fun.. ate a lot of shrikhand through the day - that was not fun.

Apr 2nd: bhabhi shared photos of papya's brand new cousin sister... she's two months old now.. fair.. chubby.. and the prettiest baby around.

Apr 3rd: another pleasant dream.. and woke up happy and proud. wonder if there's a word for addiction to happy dreams.

Apr 4th: hottest summer ever. a bunch of place in karnataka have crossed 40 degrees, including a few districts in mysuru. hope it rains soon.

Apr 5th: seema's going on a family vacay.. sharada di's at thailand with her friends.. sandhya's not very chirpy because of the heat... i'm feeling a bit left out. 

Apr 6th: the yellow water melon brought great joy to bobo and i  today

Apr 7th: another day watching ipl sprawled out under the fan with pillows and bobo's mobile propped up on the tripod

Apr 8th: for the first time ever.. in the history of getting bobo's clothes stitched at a tailors... we got his trousers on the day we were promised! the breeze during our ride to the tailor and back was cool and very pleasant. It was also the solar eclipse today

Apr 9th: Gudi padwa, Ugadi and Chaitra Navratri today. Holige oota with kattina saru for lunch. Happy.

Apr 10th: a regular, peaceful day. ate out with bobo.

Apr 11th: got the SriChakra pooja deeksha today. Beyond thrilled.

Apr 12th: Performed my first Sri Chakra pooja today as per the instructions to start it on a Friday.... yayyyy!

Apr 13th: Highlight of the day has been eating "organic chakli" bought online, wasn't that good anyway

Apr 14th: went out with bobo to get a watermelon.. and stayed indoors the whole day long as it's still too hot

Apr 15th: bobo's friend Ravi got conjutivitis... 

Apr 16th: fam went to visit koppada matha

Apr 17th: watermelons are keeping us afloat. way too hot even inside our homes and with the fans running

Apr 18th: heavy rains and hail stones in dharwad.. really really hot in bengaluru

Apr 19th: bobo and i found our pass numbers for voting - the room number in the assigned schools and our sequence numbers. 

Apr 20th: rained for a few mins today.. the first rains of the year. it was beautiful.

Apr 21st: ate out and watched IPL all day long

Apr 22nd: packed for bobo's trip to Pondicherry

Apr 23rd: bobo was supposed to leave at 5:45, left at 7am because the original driver bailed.

Apr 24th: bobo got back in time for dinner.. loaded with gifts he got from the college he went to speak at. we were both delighted. it had a real nice box of chocolates too... and lotsa perfumes 

Apr 25th: bobo's birthday today.. pretty low-key as i did not arrange for anything at all, except a bunch of mangoes. we ate the first mango of the year. fun!

Apr 26th: bobo voted at 7am.. i did at 10am. our first.. and we celebrated!

Apr 27th: got the hsrp fixed for the car.. ate at patrode.. longish drive all around and picked a 4kg jackfruit on our way back... now waiting for it to ripen..

Apr 28th: lazed at home all day long.. too hot to step out.. keeping the curtains drawn during the day to stay cool.

Apr 29th: a regular day

Apr 20th: bobo left for an outing to a resort with his friends

May 1st: labour day, bobo got back at lunch hour. ate and slept. i went to a dinner party at a neighbour's.. good times

May 2nd: another really hot day.. quite dull. we made akki rotti.

May 3rd: dark around 2:30pm.. rained heavily for a few mins. too many deliveries from amazon today. bobo brought honey cake and tear-shaped gulab jamun on his way home

May 4th: a pleasant day. lazing at home and tidying a few things with bobo

May 5th: stayed home all day long... quite hot. water wasn't regular through the day

May 6th: sharada di called and we talked about our kollur trip. eagerly waiting for it.

May 7th: started reading the bhagawad gita... struggling with the tiny font. 

May 8th: ate out with bobo and had a lovely time

May 9th: booked my bus tickets to kollur... excited

May 10th: akshaya tritiya today.. khaman dhokla for lunch and akki rotti for dinner. 

May 11th: we made aam-panna. had a lovely saturday lazing at home

May 12th: mid-morning ride to a beautiful mango-grove layout near nobonagar. bobo and i can't stop talking and thinking about it. 

May 13th: was reading through achyuthan website.. left a note to put me in touch with the family they had written about. someone called me back, talked for a while and asked if i could come attend the birthday party on the 19th
May 14th: anil from achyuthan called back that i could indeed attend the birthday party... so yayyy
May 15th: booked the buses to hyd and back.. bobo seems okay with my plans.. 
May 16th: booked a hotel too. bought some chocolates for the birthday girl.. planning to get the thicker, huge crayons as a gift
May 17th: gift-wrapped the crayons real nicely. excited.
May18th: bobo and i went out to buy a silver bowl and spoon for bala. boarded the bus at 7:45pm from beyond silk board
May 19th: checked in. rested. visited mrs.annapurna's place. met tons of people and a pug, ate tons of food.. had a lovely time.
May 20th: got back home after a tiring bus ride. slept for most part of the day. 
May 21st: boarded the night bus to kollur
May 22nd: had a lovely, lovely darshan and an amazing homa. the lunch was beautiful, so were the people i got to hang out with. 
May 23rd: reached home early morning just in time to see bobo off to work. slept the entire day and still couldn't overcome the tiredness
May 24th: still extremely tired.. been eating and resting all day long
May 25th: went to a birthday party at ayyappa temple closeby. had a great time chatting with neighbours. bobo and i went out for a walk and bought litchi
May 26th: bobo and i went on a two-wheeler ride to see the mango-grove layout once more.. it's a beautiful settlement close to where we live full of trees and simple houses. 
May 27th: feeling so hot.. drank 5 litres of water today 
May 28th: the broken tooth's hurting bad.. got some dentist recommendations from smita downstairs
May 29th: trip to a dentist for the blackened half molar... gonna get it pulled
May 30th: helped sharadha di to enrol for the samadhi siddhi... walked her through my notes
May 31st: went to attend the herkey techvisionheries event.. got talked into investing 5k and joining a group of women techies
01-Jun: read a 80-page book published by one of the women at yesterday's event.. quite boring
02-Jun: lazed at home with bobo.. rained loads
03-Jun: janita and poovi came over to invite us to their house-warning in coorg.. 
04-Jun: bobo's at work this whole week.. not liking it
05-Jun: made some real good pakodas today.. surprised they came out so well
06-Jun: rained loads... read quite a bit today.
07-Jun: whiled-away the entire day.. 
08-Jun: a lovely saturday... went on a longish ride with bobo
09-Jun: Modi ji's oath taking ceremony today.. texted at length with Deepa
10-Jun: return-yelled at bobo and he was quite sad.. 
11-Jun: got the new table and bobo and i were quite excited...
12-Jun: enjoyed using the new table
13-Jun: rained all day.. glad bobo's home today 
14-Jun: doc-lady at pune got MILs ecg done and said that acc. to the reports MIL's had a cardiac arrest earlier.. everyone's worried
15-Jun: lunched at ambara the andhra restaurant.. later bought a huge imampasand mango worth 300rs. 
16-Jun: bought a jackfruit and cut it open yesterday.. bobo and i are loving it
17-Jun: tried the wild jackfruit( a palm-sized mini-jackfruit.. a.k.a anjili chakka).. it was easy to peel, the skin fell off rather clumsily as it was yellow and ripe. the pods were very sour and made us laugh at our ill-placed excitement.
18-Jun: went shopping to chikpet by myself and bought a few cool things.. back home, my legs hurt all evening
19-Jun: bobo ordered chikkis on bigbasket.. we've been munching on them more than we should
20-Jun: feeling bloated.. tummy looks like there could be a full-term child inside it. 
21-Jun: got everything ready for tomorrow's class. 
22-Jun: retook L4,L5, mindpower classes at 50% discount. sandhya came too and it was lovely. 
23-Jun: bobo hung up the two wall art i bought from chikpet, they are looking quite good. we enjoyed watching 'dr.dolittle 2'
24-Jun: quite a happy day.. lazing around as usual
25-Jun: bobo's offce day today.. nothing much happening on my end
26-Jun: the wall art's looking good and startling both me and bobo as we are slowly getting used to their presence
27-Jun: a fun day reading and cleaning and lying around. the hibiscus plant's growing buds.. beyond delighted to see them
28-Jun: planning to go visit Nandi Meraki tomorrow.. and hopefully get another jackfruit
29-Jun: Suppu and fam were looking all night for a maternity hospital with NICU... the baby was expected to have respiratory problems.. quite stressful for everyone
30-Jun: Suppu's baby boy was born around 9:30am today.. at a healthy weight.. and needing NICU admission

1-Jul: second half of the year starts.. registered for Pratyangira sadhana. put up my review for SSRC.. gonna register for YHAI char dham
2-Jul: made kashmiri dum aloo sabzi all by myself from facebook recipe.. it turned out fantastic!
3-Jul: had a lovely chat with papya. he's makes everyone so happy. 
4-Jul: the biggest day of my spiritual life.. got deeksha for Pratyangira sadhana after some great deeksha experiences. so happy.
5-Jul: spent the day going through the videos of Varahi and Pratyangira matas.
6-Jul: bobo and i went hunting for jackfruits all the way till e-city and got two small ones. bought a ton of snacks from mithai mahal
7-Jul: had a horrible dream last night that my brother was a monster.. sis-in-law and papya went to her parents' place this morning. mom's heart-broken
8-Jul: started with the 'traditional yoga advanced pranayama' course... having mixed feelings. another 40 classes of 4 hrs each to go.
9-Jul: bunch of unpleasant dreams once more. 
10-Jul: the school principal I fondly remember for recommending me as "Exemplary" on my Transfer Certificate.. passed away today (10/7) at 84 years.
11-Jul: applied for and got a membership to YHAI
12-Jul: called up, paid up and got myself enrolled for the Meghalaya monsoon trek.. worried about the 2000 stairs that I will have to climb up and down
13-Jul: bought a 10kg jackfruit from the lady near e-city - the heaviest till date. it's expected to be orange in colour.. bobo and i are properlyexcited!
14-Jul: it's been raining all day.. we've both been lazing all day.. adrak chai and all
15-Jul: climbed the stairs up and down a few times, to prep for the upcoming trek.. quite stoked
16-Jul: peeled the jackfruit.. should've waited. it's half-yellow and half-orange and needed a few more days to ripen.
17-Jul: climbed the stairs again.. it's weird how the heart rate goes up even when going downstairs
18-Jul: sharada di has proposed a 6-day pilgrimage for 50k later in sept. unable to make up my mind
19-Jul: been raining all day.. having a slow one
20-Jul: bobo's buying me an ipad online.. yayyy... it's expected tomorrow.. a pink one
21-Jul: guru poornima today.. sharada di and sandhya attended the samadhi siddhi workshop.. i met them later at 6pm when the rest of us could go meet guruji. took my new pink ipad along... great day!
22-Jul: regular, lazy day... getting things ready for bobo's upcoming surat trip
23-Jul: chittu ji replied to my messages with a good morning and the being-loved emoji... so happy
24-Jul: helped bobo pack for the upcoming trip
25-Jul: bobo left around 2am.. we had very little sleep.. properly tiring
Aug 29: bought silver cutlery for ganpati. couldn't find the right-sized plate, bought a much smaller one
Aug 30: sindhu's house-warming today.. booked an uberXL for me, paddu, revati, smita, ab, lata and basur. met suchi n her folks, akshata, sr too. wasn't all that fun.
Aug 31: quite inspired to visit kedarnath... made a quick and a rough plan.. gonna book the flight and then refined the plan.. worried about the climb
Sep 1: climbed the stairs five times.. legs are hurting crazy. slept a lot... bobo's ok with my kedarnath plans.. sharakka called and we talked for more than an hour. she's here in bengaluru.. registered for VKG
Sep 2: early morning dream of chittu ji WA msg 'sad.. your kedarnath trip got cancelled'.. so cancelled my plans. i trust her
Sep 3 .. Sep 12 -- blanked out 
Sep 13: Paddu called asking to join her to exhibitions... had great fun hanging out with her, checking out stall and buying tonsa stuff. the 5D snow-leopard pic was quite fun. Paddu gave a bag of kisme toffees. great day!
Sep 14: skipped the eye-test. bobo went to hang out with his friends and look at some agri land outside the city
Sept 15: lazed at home all day.. played with the snow-leopard photo too.. it's quite fun trying to touch its nose
Sep 16: the silver blue-lotus from etsy arrived today..much ahead of the 30-sept deadline.. delighted. it's quite cute and functional
sep 17: sasuma's birthday today.. Ganesh visarjan too.
sep 18: papya butt-dialled and talked and talked and talked
Sep 19: bobo talked about moving to pune eventually.. feeling quite uncomfortable about it
Sep 20: loitering around at home.. watching 'rings of power'.. a series that's actually getting tedious
Sep 21: bobo's gonna be working from office all days the coming week.. looking forward to it... 
Sep 22: we went out on a short ride to fill up on petrol and narrowly missed getting caught in the rain
Sep 23: got a painful pimple in my left nostril... 
Sep 24: peaceful day.. except the pimple's hurting so much..and grew to twice its size
Sep 25: pimple's grown again.. super ugly.. super painful.. it has closed 3/4th of my left nostril.. i am unable to focus on anything else because of it.
Sep 26: regular day.. pimple still hurts and refuses to go away.. or dry out.. or reduce in size. it looks awful on my face.
Sep 27: the pimple's reduced in size.. the pain's considerably lesser. grateful for that... maybe it was all the soaking-my-feet-in-water i did yesterday.. also, trying very hard to declutter.. it's an uphill task
Sep 28: most of the declutter involves throwing out bobo's stuff... and breaking his hoarding-loving heart.. wondering what to do.
Sep 29: 
Oct 31: Diwali today.. bobo and i followed a routine we decided yesterday.. made shankarpale.. put up the lights.. put out the diyas and did the aarti in the evening. i meditated at the time set by SSRC. Chittu ji replied to my wishes with a "Happy Diwali didi". exhilarated!
Nov 1: Diwali today too.. had a lazy day. we did the aarti.. meditated today too
Nov 15: friday.. bobo and i flew to pune. reached in good time.
Nov 16: saturday.. fun with Harsh all day long. went to eat at aai's place
Nov 17: uncomfortable at Pune already.. MIL's mocked me several times.. for meditating.. for bobo doing the bulk of the cooking.. for being child-free.. for wearing silver instead of gold
Nov 18: bobo and i went to pick Harsh up.. and it was quite fun.. the energy was unbelievable and gladdening
Nov 19: abandoned my 10-day pune trip and caught a bus back home. 
Nov 20: Chittu ji replied "Good morning love u". reached home around 2pm.
Nov 25: bobo got back from pune today.. he's being cold towards me
Nov 29: bobo yelled at me for my pune trip.. quite loudly.. and for humiliating him about not buying furniture.. we decided to part ways.. he's asked me to leave in jan.. 
Nov 30: bobo and i didn't speak to each other the whole day.. though we went to the tailor on the two-wheeler and then to d-mart to see if they had large plastic container. they did.

Dec 1: cyclone Fengal in chennai has turned out weather cloudy and quite cold.. it's been raining non-stop since last night. we stayed home all day

Dec 14: group meditation session at SSRC today.. sandhya didn't come.. met sharada di. had a lovely time

Dec 15: long fun chat with the guy i hv the hots for.. heart-broken when he shared a bunch of pics with girls.. has a great insta page too.

Dec 16: spent the whole day being heart-broken.. all over again

Dec 17: 


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