'C' is for climber

'C' is for the agile climber who scurries up and down endless betelnut/arecanut palms in matter of seconds... he climbs one of the palms and using a hooked pole, dislodges betelnut bunches from palms all around him. the pods are then shelled to obtain the nuts, the nuts are boiled and dried... and sold.

betel leaves along with betel nuts and a variety of other spices makes for a popular after-food munch.

* for ABC Wednesday
* for ThatsMyWorld! 


Roger Owen Green said...

I could never do that, even when I was younger. Yikes!

On behalf of the ABC Wednesday team, thank you! - Ramblin' with Roger

photowannabe said...

I couldn't do that either. Never tasted bettle nuts either.
Nice photo.

Christine H. said...

I'd love to try it once just to see what the world looks like from up there. It looks like the ankles bear most of the weight.

Tumblewords: said...

A talented climber, for sure. Excellent choice!

jay said...

Fun to see that some crops are still harvested in the traditional way!

Pat said...

Those climbers must be very physically fit. The guy in the photo looks like he doesn't have an ounce of fat on him. I've heard of betel nuts before, but never seen them. Thanks for sharing!

Marites said...

This must be harder to climb than the coconut trees as its trunks are more slippery. I really admire their fitness and tenaciousness to stay on this job. Its no easy feat.

My world entry is here.

ladygarfield said...

Thankyou RogerOwen, lady@photowannbe, Christine, Sue@Tumblewords, Jay, Pat, Marites.

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