follow me

whence i ask, thence you follow
i set the pace in this alaskan race
i set the pace in this alaskan race
so, whence i ask, thence you follow

* this is the naisaku form of poetry - too little rules, too much fun!
* whence/thence to mean wherefrom/therefrom
* sunday scribblings prompt: follow


Anonymous said...

:) i have never read this kind of poetry and as a first timer, i m impressed!

gautami tripathy said...

I like the NaisaiKu!

watch the movie from the sidewalks

Tumblewords: said...

Clever NaisaKu! Your words work so well in this format!

The Warrior Poet said...

This is the first time i have read naisaiku form of poetry, and i have to tell you that it is an interesting read.

ladygarfield said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ladygarfield said...

Thankyou all for your kind words, they are much appreciated. Americanising Desi, the Warrior Poet, do join the Naisaiku Challenge, you could use the link at the bottom of the post. Thanks.

danni said...

your facility with this verse form is wonderful --- and the verse itself a real treat!

Anthony said...

Hey buddy Its amazing ....I am looking forward your next work.Excellent rhyming.Wonderful...

Daily Panic said...

Thank you for stopping in at my blog and your kind words. I haven't a talent for poetry, but can appreciate those who do. You are a talented writer also.

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