the Sirens
such was the lure of their deceitful singing
it filled the rigid mariners' hearts with longing
until, overcome, they changed their ship's course
and crashed on the rocky island, without a remorse
and then came a-sailing orpheus, the clever argonaut
an oath to save his fellow sailors, from him was sought
he indulged them such with his lyre and his song
that they ignored the sirens and merrily sailed along.
* Three Word Wednesday prompts: deceit, indulge, oath
it filled the rigid mariners' hearts with longing
until, overcome, they changed their ship's course
and crashed on the rocky island, without a remorse
and then came a-sailing orpheus, the clever argonaut
an oath to save his fellow sailors, from him was sought
he indulged them such with his lyre and his song
that they ignored the sirens and merrily sailed along.
* Three Word Wednesday prompts: deceit, indulge, oath
Well-crafted and cleaver.
Enjoyed this. A great take on the myth.
Those pesky sirens! How they delight in the downfall of men- tisk tisk tisk.
Glad your story had someone looking out for the sailors instead of death.
Can't believe they could just ignore the siren. Well done
Nicely done!
Very well rhymed!
gyrating on its own steam of oath
a friend is tracking the sirens by trekking their homestead in Italy.
very smartly written!
I have an abiding love of mythology and this slotted in very nicely. A good read.
Had to wiki a couple of those names..
Good job!!
Nicely done:)
Loved this one!
I'm glad to see Orpheus found something productive to do after he screwed up getting Euridice back.
Good use of the words this week. Thanks.
Thanks for your lovely comments. I appreciate it very much.
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