two lonely people

You produce a solitaire, you go down on a knee,
it's an impending nightmare, don't you see
But it's an impending nightmare, don't you see,
when you produce a solitaire and go down on a knee?

* this is the naisaku form of poetry - too little rules, too much fun.
Join The Naisaiku Challenge

* Totally Optional Prompt: solitaire


SweetTalkingGuy.. said...

Hi LadyGarfield, clever jiggling of the lines here!

You should post this to Totally Optional Prompts site this week as their prompt is 'Solitaire'

gautami tripathy said...

You sure do!

If Only Pigs Could Fly

Linda Jacobs said...

One of the better naisaiku I've read! Each side of the title feels fresh!

ladygarfield said...

SweetTalkingGuy, thankyou for you comments.

Gautami, welcome here! thanks for your comment.

Linda, thankyou so much! that was very kind of you.

Amias (ljm and liquidplastic) said...

Oh I so love this and the implications ... my imagination, that is.

Maggie said...

This was a delight to read and made me smile.

ladygarfield said...

Amias, Maggie, thank-you ladies! I am so glad you had a good time with this.

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