never mind the written word

"so, did you read the contract?". "what's there to read?"
"oh you must read it once, i absolutely plead,
the terms and the conditions, the bold and the fine print"
he raised an aging brow, in the manner of a hint.

the aging lawyer was worth his salt, the mercenary no less
'there's a twist in the contract, the young fella won't even guess'
pondered the old lawyer, wondering if he should help
not knowing that the mercenary's target was his own self.

* Weekend Wordsmith prompt94: contract


gautami tripathy said...

I suppose he desrved it..

Welcome aboard the poetry train.

Pablo Neruda rewritten

Kill Word Verification

Sweet Talking Guy.. said...

Yeah, if you live by the samurai... springs to mind.


anthonynorth said...

I liked the twist at the end - after my own heart.

deepteshpoetry said...

Awe-inspiring.I'm from the poetry train.Do visit me 2 c my first poem that I had up for the train.

ladygarfield said...

Thankyou for your kind words.

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