surviving in no man's land

the listening is more important than the talking
if you don't listen up, you'd be the dead man walking
there are brutal rules in the no-man's land
and if you don't listen up, you'd be the dead man walking
the listening is more important than the talking

* hopelessly addicted to the naisaiku :)

* this is the naisaku form of poetry - too little rules, too much fun.
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SweetTalkingGuy.. said...

Good thoughts here, shouldn't it read 'the listening is more (as) important than the talking' though?

ladygarfield said...

you're right! thanks for pointing out. corrections made. Thanks again!

Tumblewords: said...

Great take on listening! Dead man walking - for sure.

Tammie Lee said...

I like the repetition.
also it sounds as though it could be like part of an interesting novel....

Amias (ljm and liquidplastic) said...

"dead man walking" ... not listening can be very dangerous.

SandyCarlson said...

The repitition and the rhythm of this poem make me feel the menace of this place. Well done.

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